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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/21/23 Invitation Daniel Broyles N/A Wednesday Evening Inv6.21.23.mp3
06/18/23 Grapes in the Wilderness Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Grapes_in_the_Wilderness.pptx Grapes_in_the_Wilderness.mp3
06/18/23 Psalm 100 Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Psalm_100.pptm Psalm100.mp3
06/11/23 The Unmerciful Servant Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM The_Unmerciful_Servant.pptx TheUnmercifulServant.mp3
06/11/23 Theology of Obedience Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Theology_of_Obedience.pptx Theologyofobedience.mp3
06/09/23 Jesus and Authority David Norfleet Biblical Authority Friday Evening Jesus_and_Authority.pptx JesusandAuthority.mp3
06/08/23 God's Silence and Authority David Norfleet N/A Gospel Meeting Godssilencesandauthority.mp3 Gods_Silence_and_Authoirty.pptx
06/07/23 Acts 15 & Authority David Norfleet N/A Gospel Meeting Acts_15_and_Authority.pptx Acts15andauthority.mp3
06/06/23 Authority and the Sum of God's Word David Norfleet N/A Gospel Meeting Authority_and_the_Sum_of_Gods_Word.pptx AuthorityandthesumofGodsword.mp3
06/05/23 Authority and the Covenants David Norfleet Biblical Authority Monday Evening Authority_and_the_Covenants.pptx AuthorityandtheCovenants.mp3
06/04/23 False Standards of Authority David Norfleet Biblical Authority Sun AM False_Standards_of_Authority.pptx FalseStandardsofAuthority.mp3
06/04/23 How Important is Biblical Authority? David Norfleet Biblical Authority Sun AM How_Important_Is_Biblical_Authority.pptx How_Important_is_Biblical_Authority.mp3
06/04/23 What is Biblical Authority? David Norfleet Biblical Authority Sun AM What_Is_Biblical_Authority.pptx What_is_Biblical_Authority.mp3
05/28/23 The Book of Ruth Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM The_Book_of_Ruth.mp3 Ruth.pptx
05/28/23 The Teachings of Jesus Dan Guyer N/A Sun AM Sermon_5-28-23.mp3
05/21/23 When We Become Kings Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM When_We_Become_Kings.pptx WhenWeBecomeKings.mp3
05/14/23 Restoration Is Driven By Scripture Sid Latham N/A Sun AM RestorationIsDrivenByScripture.mp3 Restoration_2.pptx
05/14/23 Memorial Stones Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Memorial_Stones.pptx Memorial_Stones.mp3
05/07/23 Kingdom Characteristics - Matthew 5:10-12 Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Blessed_are_the_Persecuted.pptx BlessedArethePersecuted.mp3
05/07/23 John 3 Tim Richardson N/A Sun AM John_3.mp3
04/30/23 Peacemakers Sid Latham N/A Sun AM PeaceMakers.mp3 COTK-Peacemaker.pptx
04/23/23 Spiritual Habits at Home Landon Rutter N/A Sun Worship 2 Spiritual_Habits_at_Home.mp3 Spiritual_Habits_at_Home_Deuteronomy_6.pptx
04/23/23 Fatherless Jacob Boone N/A Sun AM Fatherless.pptx Fatherless.mp3
04/16/23 Pure In Heart Sid Latham N/A Sun AM PureInHeart.mp3 COTK_-_Pure_In_Heart.pptx
04/16/23 Unwavering Trust Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Unwavering_Trust.mp3 Unwavering_Trust.pptx

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