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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/23/22 Inspiration to Faith, Endurance and Discipline Tim Richardson N/A Sun AM Inspiration_to_Faith_Endurance_and_Discipline.pptm InspirationtoFaithEnduranceandDiscipline.mp3
10/16/22 The Disciple's Hope Sid Latham N/A Sun AM The_Disciples_Hope.mp3 Disciples_Hope.pptx
10/16/22 The Sojourning Wife Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM The_Sojourning_Wife.mp3 1_Peter_3_-_The_Sojourning_Wife.pptx
10/14/22 Godly People Have Godly Homes Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM GodlyPeopleHaveGodlyHomes.mp3 Godly_Homes_final.pptx
10/13/22 Godly People and Temptation Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM GodlyPeopleAndTemptation.mp3 godly_and_temptation_for_Thursday_night.pptx
10/12/22 Godly People Have Godly Friends Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM GodlyPeopleHaveGodlyFriends.mp3 Godly_people_have_godly_friends.pptx
10/11/22 Godly People Forgive Like Joseph Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM GodlyPeopleForgive.mp3 forgive_like_joseph_final_copy.pptx
10/10/22 What Godly People Do In Conflict Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM GodlyPeopleInConfilict.mp3 Godly_in_conflict_final.pptx
10/09/22 Godly People In Sorrow and Afflictions Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM Joseph_Godly_affliction.pptx GodlyPeopleInSorrowsandAfflictions.mp3
10/09/22 Godly People Share God's Word Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM godly_share_word_Acts_8.pptx GodlyPeopleShareGodsWord.mp3
10/09/22 What Godly People Do - Luke 24:31-32 Greg Gravitt N/A Sun AM What_Godly_People_Do_-_Sun_AM.mp3 Godly_love_word_luke_24.pptx
10/02/22 Living with our Past Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Living_with_our_past.pptx Living_with_our_Past.mp3
10/02/22 The Adventure of Faith Sid Latham N/A Sun AM The_Adventure_of_Faith.pptx The_Adventure_of_Faith.mp3
09/25/22 Psalm 5 Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Psalm_5.pptx Psalm5.mp3
09/25/22 Anger Jacob Boone N/A Sun AM Anger.mp3 Anger_Lesson.pptx
09/18/22 Fighting for Our Marriages Simon Harris N/A Sun AM FightingForOurMarriages.mp3 3Fighting_For_Our_MarriagesB.pptx
09/18/22 Boaz Loved Ruth Simon Harris N/A Sun AM RuthandBoaz.mp3 2Boaz_Loved_Ruth_B.pptx
09/18/22 Uriah the Loyal Simon Harris N/A Sun AM 1Uriah_the_Loyal.pptx
09/11/22 The Work of Deacons Sid Latham N/A Sun AM The_Work_of_Deacons.mp3 The_Work_of_Deacons.pptx
09/04/22 Deacons Landon Rutter N/A Sun Worship 2 Deacons.pptx Deacons.mp3
09/04/22 Jesus on Church Growth Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Jesus_on_Church_Growth.pptx Jesus_on_Church_Growth.mp3
08/28/22 Sin and Atonement Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Sin_and_Atonement_-_Ryan_Morgan.pptx SinandAtonement.mp3
08/21/22 This Changes Everything Sid Latham N/A Sun AM This_Changes_Everything.pptx This_Changes_Everything.mp3
08/21/22 Back To School Supply List Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Back_to_School_Supply_List.pptx Back_to_School_Spiritual_Supply_List.mp3
08/14/22 What Happens When We Die Sid Latham N/A Sun AM WhatHappensWhenWeDie.mp3 What_Happens_When_We_Die.pptx

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