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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/24/23 Jesus Came To Save Landon Rutter N/A Sun Worship 2 Jesus_Came_to_Save.mp3 Jesus_came_to_save_2.pptx
12/24/23 Colossians Carter Broyles N/A Sun AM Colossians.mp3
12/17/23 Your Word I Have Treasured In My Heart Sid Latham N/A Sun AM YourWordIHaveTreasuredInMyHeart.mp3 Bible_Reading_Lesson.pptx
12/17/23 Job - In the Face Of Suffering Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Jobpt.3.mp3 In_the_face_of_Suffering_-_The_Book_of_Job_2.pptx
12/10/23 Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness and Self-Control Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM FruitoftheSpirit-self_control.mp3 Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Gentleness_and_Self-Control.pptx
12/10/23 Our Need for Evangelism Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Our_Need_For_Evangelism.pptx OurNeedForEvangelism.mp3
12/03/23 Sierra Leone - 2023 Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Sierra_Leone_2023.pptx SierraLeone-2023.mp3
12/03/23 In the Face of Suffering - The Book of Job - Part1 Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Job-Part1.mp3 In_the_face_of_Suffering_-_The_Book_of_Job.pptx
11/26/23 Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Faithfulness.pptx FruitoftheSpirit-Faithfulness.mp3
11/26/23 A Saving Faith Peyton Case N/A Sun AM A_saving_faith_.pptx ASavingFaith.mp3
11/19/23 God's Highway Stuart Goodpaster N/A Sun AM Gods_Highway.mp3 Gods_Highway_11_19_2023.pptx
11/12/23 Fruit of the Spirit - Kindness and Goodness Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Fruit_of_Spirit_-_Kindness_and_Goodness.pptx FruitoftheSpirit-KindnessandGoodness.mp3
11/12/23 Friendship with God Ethan Samons N/A Sun AM Friendship_with_God.mp3
11/05/23 The Fruit Of The Spirit - Patience Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_patience.pptx fruitofthespirit.patience.mp3
11/05/23 Accountability David McKee N/A Sun AM Accountability.mp3
10/29/23 One Body, Many Members Sid Latham N/A Sun Worship 2 One_Body_Many_Members.pptx One_Body_Many_Members.mp3
10/22/23 Jotham's Curse David Herrin N/A Sun AM Jothams_Curse.mp3
10/15/23 Deeds of the Flesh Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Deedsoftheflesh.mp3 Deeds_of_the_Flesh_3.pptx
10/15/23 Call to Encouragement Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Encouraging_in_Faith_Hope_and_Love.pptx CalltoEncouragement.mp3
10/08/23 The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM The_Fruit_Of_The_Spirit_Peace.mp3 Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Peace.pptx
10/08/23 Once Saved, Always Saved? Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Once_Saved_Always_Saved.pptx Once_Saved_Always_Saved.mp3
10/05/23 The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Tommy Peeler N/A Gospel Meeting Thursday_Crucifixion_and_Resurrection_of_Jesus.pptx thecrucifixion.mp3
10/04/23 Luke 15 Tommy Peeler N/A Sun AM Wednesday_Luke_15.pptx Luke15.mp3
10/03/23 Sin: Life's Biggest Problem Tommy Peeler N/A Sun AM Tuesday_Sin_in_Genesis_3.pptx SinLifesBiggestProblem.mp3
10/02/23 God is Greater - The Majesty of God Tommy Peeler N/A Gospel Meeting GodIsGreater-TheMajestyofGod.mp3 Monday_Isaiah_40.pptx

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