

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1294

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/02/21 Wisdom of Agur Sid Latham N/A Sun AM Wisdom_of_Agur.pptx wisdomofagur-1619971677.mp3
05/02/21 A Friend at Midnight Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Thefriendatmidnight.mp3 Parable_of_the_Friend_at_Midnight.pptx
04/25/21 Amazing Patience Jonathan Broyles N/A Sun AM Amazing_Patience.pptx Amazing_Patience.mp3
04/18/21 Take Refuge in the King of Kings Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM TakeRefugeInTheKingofKings.mp3 Psalm_2_-_Refuge_in_the_King_of_Kings.pptx
04/18/21 Dwelling With God Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Revelation_21_-_Dwelling_With_God.pptx DwellingWithGod.mp3
04/11/21 Honor Father and Mother Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM 2_Honor_Parents.pptx HonorFatherandMother.mp3
04/04/21 New Horizons In Evangelism 2 Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM New_Horizons_in_Evangelism_at_East_End_-_LESSON_2.pptx NewHorizonsInEvangelism2.mp3
04/04/21 New Horizons In Evangelism Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM NewHorizonsInEvangelism.mp3 New_Horizons_in_Evangelism_at_East_End_-_LESSON_1.pptx
03/28/21 Doing Good Works Monty Absher N/A Sun PM Good_Works.mp3 Doing_Good_Works.pptx
03/28/21 Marriage As God Intended Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Marriage_as_God_Intended.pptx MarriageAsGodIntended.mp3
03/21/21 Covenants - Abraham Landon Rutter N/A Sun PM Covenants_-_Abraham.pptx Covenants-Abraham.mp3
03/21/21 A Spirit-filled People Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM A_Spirit_Filled_People.pptx A_SpiritFilled_People.mp3
03/14/21 Follow Me Sid Latham N/A Sun AM FollowMe.pptx FollowMe.mp3
03/14/21 Love and Obedience Troy Samons N/A Sun AM Love__Obedience_Mode_Matters.pptx LoveandObedience.mp3
03/07/21 Redeeming The Time Landon Rutter N/A Sun PM RedeemingtheTime.mp3 Making_the_Most_of_Our_Time.pptx
03/07/21 Parables of Jesus - The Rich Fool Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM TheRichFool.mp3 Parables_of_Jesus_-_The_Rich_Fool.pptx
02/28/21 The Habits of Jesus Ryan Morgan N/A Sun AM The_Habits_of_Jesus.pptx TheHabitsofJesus.mp3
02/21/21 Seeing The Grace of God Mark Broyles N/A Sun AM SeeingTheGraceOfGod.mp3 Seeing_the_Grace_of_God_-_East_End.pptx
02/21/21 Revival Mark Broyles N/A Sun AM Revival.mp3 Revival_4x3.pptx
02/14/21 God's Covenant With Noah Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Gods_Covenant_with_Noah.pptx GodsCovenanteWithNoah.mp3
02/14/21 Imitators of God Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Imitators_of_God.pptx Imitators_of_God.mp3
02/07/21 Transformed Landon Rutter N/A Sun PM Transformed.pptx Transformed.mp3
02/07/21 Vanity Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM Vanity.mp3 Ecclesiastes_-_Life_Under_the_Sun.pptx
01/31/21 Run With Endurance Tim Richardson N/A Sun PM RunWithEndurance.mp3
01/31/21 Better Together Landon Rutter N/A Sun AM BetterTogether.mp3 Better_Together.pptx

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